Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up

Got a lot done in the last few weeks after taking a couple of breaks for deer and elk hunting. The stand is pretty much complete, just needs some fine tuning on the sharp edges and paint.

I even test fired one of the burners, 100K BTU is a HOT!

I've also finished the main assembly for the counter flow chiller as well as bending about half of the stainless hairpins required. A little more stainless, some hose clamps and a touch of silicone tubing and it'll be all done. Hopefully starting on the dual peristaltic pumps next week!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Goodies on Order!

Thanks Austin Homebrew Supply! What a timely sale you're having on shiny stainless steel 3 pc. ball valves! Why yes, I will take ten! Oh and Agri-Supply, you've got the lowest price around on 100K BTU burners, please ship 3 ASAP. Thanks!

The build has been slow since I've been in the woods chasing Elk, and will be out next week chasing deer again. Hopefully I find time tomorrow to finish up the frame welding, and get it all cut down to a square and even shape.

As always, more to come shortly!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


My welds are imroving a bit, this one looks like it was done by a half retarded chinese 5 year old in sweat shop, big improvement from the first few...
Laying it all up. Clamp, measure and tack it together.
Beginning to take shape here.
Basic brewery frame is all laid out and welded together. I still need to go back and grind down the welds where I can get to them, and weld in the pump mount frame, and figure out if I'm using hte decoction drawer or not, and if so weld it into the frame. Plenty to do for tomorrow...
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Initial Assembly...

Most of the pieces cut to size from the bulk steel. A few minor trims still to be performed during assembly.

The two main frame halves all stuck together, plenty more to put on these but the basic shape is there.

Not the prettiest welds, but a little (ok a lot) of grinding will clean these up.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Got Steel?

Picked up the steel for the brewing stand today. Borrowed a few tools too, starting the build tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The brewery is going to expand! I have recently completed the initial plans for a new home brewery setup, and just ordered the steel to begin the build. Plans right now are to use this blog to document the construction and future operation.

Stay tuned for more...
